Welcome to Heartearth

We Are Heartearth, a non-profit charity organization, and our mission is rooted in compassion and driven by the collective efforts to foster a world where kindness is the currency of change. We believe in the power of unity to transform lives, uplift communities, and extend a helping hand to those in need.

Empowering Compassion Changing Lives

Heartearth is a beacon of hope and resilience. We stand firm in our commitment to cultivating a world where empathy knows no bounds. With diverse programs tailored to aid the marginalized, feed the hungry, and empower the vulnerable, our foundation is built on the principles of inclusivity, empathy, and service.

our MAIN initiatives

Together, let's sow the seeds of change and nurture a society rooted in kindness and equality. Explore our initiatives and join us in making a difference, one heart at a time.


Providing Care AND Sharing Hope

Heartearth's support programs offer a lifeline to those facing adversity. Our support programs offer more than just assistance; they offer a safe haven for individuals seeking guidance and empowerment. Heartearth extends a compassionate hand to those navigating life's challenges. Together, we foster a nurturing environment that encourages growth and resilience.

                      Explore the heartfelt stories and experiences that illustrate the transformative power of our initiatives. Discover how acts of kindness have changed lives and inspired communities. Every success story we share is a testament to the collective efforts of our supporters, volunteers, and beneficiaries.


Be inspired by the journeys of those who found strength in our programs and help us continue scripting stories of change.

These stories of resilience, hope, and triumph showcase the tangible impact of our initiatives.

Volunteering with Heartearth is more than an act; it's a commitment to spreading kindness and support. Engage in a variety of projects, from community outreach to educational programs, and witness firsthand the profound effect of your contribution. Embrace the power of giving back and be part of something greater.